This dessert is the ideal way to get your cherry fix, especially when they're not in season. Lovely enough to serve to guests who don't need to know how...
By using prepared cherry pie filling, this no-bake dessert can be whipped up in no time, making it an easy dessert for summer entertaining. This recipe...
I made these cookies waaay back when in Home Economics class at Venice High School in L.A., California. With a shortbread texture blended with walnuts...
Wonderful fruitcake without that nasty citron. Not only does it taste great, but it looks very pretty and it's easy enough for an 18-year-old to make (me)!...
I made these cookies waaay back when in Home Economics class at Venice High School in L.A., California. With a shortbread texture blended with walnuts...
I lived in Germany when I was little and I continue to love German desserts. Black Forest Cake is one of my faves, only I Americanized it and made it more...
I lived in Germany when I was little and I continue to love German desserts. Black Forest Cake is one of my faves, only I Americanized it and made it more...
I lived in Germany when I was little and I continue to love German desserts. Black Forest Cake is one of my faves, only I Americanized it and made it more...
I lived in Germany when I was little and I continue to love German desserts. Black Forest Cake is one of my faves, only I Americanized it and made it more...
This recipe uses colored marshmallows, graham cracker crumbs, condensed milk, nuts, and cherries. We included our own measurements but you can vary them...
Clafouti is one of the world's great recipes for enjoying fresh cherries. This French favorite is a sort of baked custard, studded with fresh cherries,...
Deliciously creamy homemade ice cream is combined with chocolate chunks and maraschino cherries. Though not an exact replica of an ice cream flavor that...
A pretty Bundt® cake filled with maraschino cherries and walnuts. Makes a lovely addition to a Christmas brunch. Serve plain or drizzle with a little...
This is a recipe I made up in 1979. I wanted to make something quick and easy. Took me quite a few tries before it turned out though. I entered it in the...
This is a delicious dessert - I usually make it with fresh cherries, but canned work just as well. You might want to adjust the sugar amount though, as...
This recipe was given to my mother in 1948 by a dear lady in Corpus Christi. There is just enough batter to hold the whole fruits and nuts together. For...
This recipe was given to my mother in 1948 by a dear lady in Corpus Christi. There is just enough batter to hold the whole fruits and nuts together. For...
I don't know if this is a regional dish or what ... but NO ONE I talk to seems to have ever heard of it except the people in my family... and most people...
This recipe for cherry crisp uses fresh, tart cherries for an amazing homemade taste! Serve it warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and you have a dessert...
Often referred to as Jewish biscotti, my grandmother got this recipe from a neighbor over 40 years ago. They both used almonds, my mother used walnuts...
By using prepared cherry pie filling, this no-bake dessert can be whipped up in no time, making it an easy dessert for summer entertaining. This recipe...
This is a recipe I made up in 1979. I wanted to make something quick and easy. Took me quite a few tries before it turned out though. I entered it in the...
I made these cookies waaay back when in Home Economics class at Venice High School in L.A., California. With a shortbread texture blended with walnuts...
Chewy bar cookies with coconut, walnuts and maraschino cherries. This recipe was passed on to me by my mother-in-law. They are a Christmas tradition in...
I made these cookies waaay back when in Home Economics class at Venice High School in L.A., California. With a shortbread texture blended with walnuts...